Saturday, 29 August 2015

Factorial Computation

This blog will explain about factorial computation algorithm development step by step.

Algorithm development
Start the development of this algorithm by examining the definition of n!
                                    n!=1*2*3*….(n-1)*n for n>=1
and by definition. Computer's arithmetic unit can only multiply two numbers at a time. Applying the factorial definition we get,
                                                            0!= 1
                                                            1!=l x l
                                                            2!  1x 2
                                                            3!=l x 2 x 3
                                                            4! = l x 2 x 3 x 4
4! contains all the factors of 3L The only difference is the inclusion of the number 4. n! can always be obtained from (n-1)! by simply multiplying it by n (for n~ 1). That ~is, n! = nx(n-l)! for n.>=1

From step (2) onwards the same process is repeated. For the general (i+ 1)th step,
p:=p*i     (i+1)
This general step can be placed in a loop to iteratively generate n!. This allows to take advantage of the fact that the computer's arithmetic unit can only multiply two numbers at a time. In many ways this problem is very much like the problem of summing a set of n numbers. In the summation problem we performed a set of additions, whereas in this problem we need to generate a set of products. It follows from the general (i+ 1)th step that all factorials for n~ 1
can be generated iteratively. The instance where n = 0 is a special case which must be accounted for directly by the assignment
                                                p:= 1 (by definition of 0!)
The central part of the algorithm for computing n! therefore involves a special initial step followed by n iterative steps.
  1. Treat 0! as a special case (p := 1).
  2. Build each of the n remaining products p from its predecessor by an iterative process.
  3. Write out the value of n factorial.

Algorithm description
1. Establish n, the factorial required where n≥0.
2. Set product p for 0! (special case). Also set product count to zero.
3. While less than n products have been calculated repeatedly do
            (a) increment product count,
            (b) compute the ith product p by multiplying i by the most recent product.
4. Return the result n!.

This algorithm is most usefully implemented as a function that accepts as input a number n and returns as output the value of n! In the Pascal implementation p has been replaced by the variable factor.

Sample code for Factorial:
The below code will compute the factorial for 25.

for (c = 1; c <= 25; c++)
    fact = fact * c;
  printf("Factorial of %d = %d\n", n, fact);
Happy coding!!!!

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