This blog explains about fibonacci sequence,
Generate and print the first~ terms of the Fibonacci
sequence where n~ 1. The first
few terms are
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...
Each term beyond the first two is derived from the
sum of its two nearest predecessors.
Algorithm development
From the definition: new term =
preceding term- before preceding term. The last sentence of the problem
statement suggests we may be able to use the definition to generate consecutive
terms (apart from the first two) iteratively.
a as
the term before the preceding term
as the preceding term
c new term
to start with:
a:= 0 first fibonacci number
:= 1 second Fibonacci number
c := a+b third
Fibonacci number (from definition)
the new term c has been generated we have the third Fibonacci. To generate the
fourth, or next Fibonacci number, we need to apply the same definition again. Before we can make this next computation we need to make some adjustments. The fourth
Fibonacci number is derived
From the sum of the second and third Fibonacci
numbers. With regard to the definition the second Fibonacci number has the role
of the term before the preceding term and the third
Fibonacci number has the role of "the
preceding term". Therefore
,before making the next (i.e.
the fourth) computation we must ensure that:
new term (i.e. the third) assumes the role of the preceding term,
and what is currently the preceding term must assume the role of the term
before the
preceding term.
a:= 0 [1] term before preceding term
:= 1 [2] preceding term
c := a+b [3] new term
b [4] term before preceding term becomes
preceding term
:= c [5] preceding term becomes new term
After making step [5] we are in a position where we
can use the definition to generate the next Fibonacci number. A way to do this
is to loop back to step [3]. Further investigation of steps [3]->[5]
indicates they can be placed in a loop to iteratively generate Fibonacci
numbers (for n>2). The
essential mechanism we could use is:
:= 1;
i<n do
:= a+b;
= c;
As each new term c is Computed, the term before the
preceding term, a, loses its
relevance to the Calculation of the next
Fibonacci number. To restore its relevance assignment is done. At all times only two numbers are
relevant to the generation of the next Fibonacci number. In our computation, a
third variable, c is introduced. Keep the two variables a and b always
relevant. Because the first Fibonacci number becomes irrelevant as soon as the
third Fibonacci is computed, start with:
0; [1]
:= 1; [2]
:= a+b [3]
Iterate on step [3] to generate successive Fibonacci
numbers we run into trouble because we are not changing b. However, after step [3] we know the next (i.e. fourth)
Fibonacci number can be generated using,
Doing step [4], the old value of b, as defined by step [2], loses its
relevance. To keep b relevant at step [4] we can make the
b := a+b
The first four steps then become
a:= 0; [1]
:= 1; [2]
:= a+p; [3]
:= a+b [4]
After step [4] find that a and b as
defined are correct for generating the fifth Fibonacci number. At this point
the old a value becomes
irrelevant. Working through several more steps confirms that we can safely
iterate on steps [3] and [4] to generate the required sequence. Because the
algorithm generates Fibonacci numbers in pairs care must be taken to write out
exactly n numbers. The easiest
way to do this is to keep the output one step behind the generation phase. The
complete algorithm description can now be given.
Algorithm description
1. Prompt and read n, the number of Fibonacci numbers to be generated.
2. Assign first two Fibonacci numbers a and b.
3. Initialize count of number generated.
4. While less than n Fibonacci numbers have been generated do
(a) write out next two
Fibonacci numbers;
(b) generate next
Fibonacci number keeping a relevant;
(c) generate next
Fibonacci number from most recent pair keeping b relevant for next computation;
(d) update count of number
of Fibonacci numbers generated, i.
5. If n even
then write out last two Fibonacci numbers else write out second last Fibonacci
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